How Long Does Weed Stay in Your Hair Follicle Test

How long does weed stay in your hair follicle test

how long does weed stay in your hair follicle test

Everyone has a different opinion about how long weed stays in your hair follicle. Some people say a week, others a month or more. The truth is, there is no concrete answer to this question because it depends on so many factors. To find out how long weed stays in your hair, you need to look only at the relevant hair care products that are available for purchase. This article is going to help guide you through the process of figuring out what products are going to be most effective for your hair.

Relevant Hair Products For Your Hair Type

The first and most crucial step to figuring out how long weed stays in your hair is to identify your hair type. You have three options here: natural, dry, and wet. The dry type is going to be the easiest to care for because it doesn’t get as oily as the other two types do. However, it doesn’t rule out the possibility of it getting greasy. The important thing is to look for the products that are going to be suitable for your hair type. The rule of thumb is to always go for the ones that are more natural to your own hair. Here are some examples of the products that you can use for the different types of hair:

Wet Hair

For wet hair, you need to look for products that are going to leave your hair in good condition. For example, if you have long hair and you always manage to make it wet, then you might want to look into purchasing a rain hat to prevent further damage. Alternatively, you can use a decent dry shampoo to avoid all the damage. Make sure that you are picking a product that is going to leave your hair looking and feeling healthy.

Dry Hair

Dry hair is going to require more maintenance and conditioning. For this, you need to look for products that are going to improve the texture and manage the shine. To achieve this, you can use a good anti-frizz serum or dry shampoo. Make sure that you are looking into products that are at a decent price too because you don’t want to overpay for a bottle that isn’t going to live up to your expectations.

Natural Hair

Finally, we have the natural hair type. To be perfectly honest, this type of hair is often damaged or difficult to care for in the first place. One way you can make sure that your natural hair stays healthy is by using a good quality oil treatment every two weeks. Additionally, try to keep your scalp hydrated by using a lot of natural products such as coconut oil or olive oil. Last but not least, make sure to exfoliate your scalp weekly with a scrub that is free of any oils. This will help remove the dead cells that can clog your pores and lead to skin infections.


When it comes to how long weed stays in your hair, there is no simple answer to this question. It depends on your hair type, its volume, and how often you wash it. To find out the right solution, you need to do some research and make sure that you are purchasing the right products for your hair. Do not expect that just because your hair is thick and natural that it will stay natural forever. All hair has its limits and some people’s hair is just thicker than others. The key to healthy, natural hair is to always keep it hydrated, nourished, and protected from all the damage that we speak of regularly. If you want your hair to look and feel its best, then you need to take good care of it. We cannot always control the volume of our hair, but we can always control how we take care of it. This, in turn, will determine how long it stays. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have a lot more hair and makeup to do before my first day of photography class.

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