How to Wrap Hair in Towel

How to wrap hair in towel

how to wrap hair in towel

Most of us shower before dates, meetings or events; we might even throw on a little makeup before we set off. However, when it comes to styling our locks, we often leave behind a wet and dripping tail. This isn’t ideal when you’re on the move as it could make you look less professional, or at least unedited. There’s also the added hassle of having to deal with wet hair on a long flight. Let’s not forget about the mess either – when the plane lands, you’ll either have to wait for the windscreen washer to finish, or send a porter to wipe it down for you. All of this is why, when you get out of the shower, your hair should be fully dried and packed. If you can’t get behind this habit now, maybe it’s time to start considering hairdryers as a regular part of your travel kit.


For those of you who regularly use rollers to style your hair, you’ll know how useful they can be. Most people with curly hair know how much trouble it can cause to achieve that natural wave look. Thanks to the silicone-based serum that’s commonly found in hair products today, this process has become a whole lot easier. With regular use, your hair will start looking like you just left the beach – feeling silky-smooth and looking flawless. Not to mention that you’ll achieve a healthier glow that makes you look more glowing and radiant. If you’re a fan of the beachy wave look, this is the closest you can get without having to blow dry your hair.


Hair dryers are often considered a last resort when it comes to styling curly hair. While this may be true in the case of extreme wetness, you can usually achieve a nice curl with a hairdryer if you work at it for a while. It’s no secret that heat is one of the biggest enemies of the hair follicle. However, when using a hairdryer, constant, direct heat exposure can cause your hair to lose its shine, make it look dull and ultimately cause breakage. Always use a heat protecting serum before using a hairdryer, and make sure to avoid overheating. Also, if your hair is naturally dry, adding more moisture with conditioners or water will help you get a better curl. When using a hairdryer, start from the middle of your hair and make your way up. This will help you avoid overheating as well as ensure that your hair is fully curled.


The waver is a great choice for those of you with naturally dry hair. It smoothes out your strands as it wanders over your head, leaving your hair looking effortless and natural. This is especially useful for fine, limp locks as it tends to give them some shape. If you’d like a polished, silky finish, try out a waver followed by a generous amount of serum. If you’d like to tame frizzies, a wave may not be the best choice for you as it won’t help add volume. It’s also worth noting that, like a hairdryer, a wave may not be the best choice for fine hair as it can make your hair look a little limper than usual.

PEMF Therapy

PEMF Therapy is a form of dry shampoos that use high-frequency electromagnetic energy to stimulate collagen synthesis in your hair, making it a more natural defense against aging. While we’re not suggesting you throw away your dry shampoo anytime soon, preventing future damage is never a bad idea. PEMF therapy is ideal for those of you with naturally dry hair who want to add more volume to their strands, or for those of you who just want to refresh your overall look. It adds a small bit of texture that can be a nice change from the smoothness of a dry shampoo, and it smells great too.

Final Touches

For the utmost elegance, you can’t go wrong with a few final touches. Using your hands, gently brush your hair back from your forehead and add a little bit of texture with your fingers. In the same motion, gently part your hair on the side and add more texture. You can also choose to use a dry shampoo to refresh your overall style, add more texture, or both. Be careful not to hold it too near your hair as it will likely leave your hair looking greasy. Let your hair air dry for a couple of minutes before laying down your outfit.

Which one of these methods of styling your hair works best for you? Are there any methods that you’ve found particularly useful? We’d love to hear from you!

At the end of the day, it’s all about your hair and how you feel most comfortable styling it. Do you have naturally dry hair? Are you constantly battling with dry strands despite using intensive, protective grooming products? Do you want to add some shape to your strands, but aren’t sure where to start? Do you want to freshen up your overall look without adding any major volume? Whatever your reasons may be, there’s a hairstyling method out there that can help you achieve the look you wish for!

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